Joint Preserving Surgery
Hip Replacement Surgery
Revision Hip Replacement Surgery
Hip Arthroscopy
Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery
Hip Arthroscopy

Hip arthroscopy is typically performed in a hip that is relatively normal with the exception of an isolated torn piece of cartilage on the rim of the socket. The piece of cartilage is called the acetabular labrum. Many of these cartilage tears occur in association with some abnormality in hip joint development. These abnormalities include hip dysplasia and femoro-acetabular impingement. If the associated abnormality is significant, it may need to be corrected by a type of joint preserving surgery. If the associated abnormality is mild, the hip can be treated by arthroscopy alone, deferring the decision about correcting the underlying abnormality.

Dr. Murphy's practice has become specialized to the point where he no longer performs hip arthroscopy.  However, many patients who are told that they need hip arthroscopy, especially patients under 40 years old, actually have developmental hip deformities.

We are happy to refer patients to surgeons who perform hip arthroscopy.

McCarthy J, Barsoum W, Puri L, Lee J, Murphy S, Cooke P. The Role of Hip Arthroscopy in the Elite Athlete. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research. 2003 (406):71-74.